A Perfect Mix

Soil and climate

Ciao’s Diced Peeled Tomatoes require great care in preparation to guarantee a strict standard of size, consistency and flavour. The result is a good and practical product that makes the lives of chefs and pizza makers easier because it reduces the processing time of each recipe.

The tomato cubes from Ciao – il pomodoro di Napoli combine the perfection of the peeled tomatoes, approved by the largest trade associations in the pizza world and the largest Italian cooking schools, with the practicality of a ready-to-use consistency for all preparations.

The key ingredient for the creation of this product is peeled tomatoes.
Our diced tomatoes therefore maintain all the quality of the processing of the Ciao tomatoes, which is now leading the way all over the world!

The freshly picked, selected, intact and ripe tomatoes are brought to the factory to be subjected, within a few hours, to the scalding and peeling process.

Before these steps, the tomatoes must have already been selected through sophisticated machinery that discards vegetables that do not comply with the standards of size, healthiness of the fruit and color and not before the various washing phases.

Only after peeling can the tomatoes be transformed into cubes through cutting which is carried out by machine with equally spaced blades in order to obtain uniform cubes.

The perfect and regular size of the cubes is 19×19 mm.
After this step the tomato will be canned by adding only partially evaporated tomato juice.